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Check back here to read new and exciting news about what I'm up to. There are always new shows and stories being created, so I will try to keep everyone updated. I'm glad you're interested!


Remember that you can always check out a whole list of where to see Jason here.

W H A T ' S   N E W ?

Down & Dirty: The Musical

September 2014

UPDATE: Both performances have SOLD OUT within one hour! You can still be involved by donating - see below.


I will be music directing for MyTalk 107's Project Down & Dirty: The Musical at the beginning of October.


Directed by Peter Rothstein and choreographed by Michael Ferrell, this will be a crazy night of entertainment, featuring the radio hosts of MyTalk 107 FM putting on a musical created in 3 days!


In addition to learning what it takes to put together a musical, throughout the week, these hosts will be raising money for 4 non-profit theater organizations in the Twin Cities: Alive & Kickin, Interact Theater, Theater Latté Da, and Ten Thousand Things Theater. The TWO shows will feature performances by each of the groups in addition to several local stars! Tune in to learn how to donate money to these incredible organizations.


To read more about project down and dirty, check out their website.

Romeo & Juliet with TTT

September 2014

Ten Thousand Things Theater is presenting Romeo & Juliet as the beginning of their season this year. I am so honored to be working with this group that focuses on bringing art into spaces that need it most such as shelters and prisons.


The run features several free public performances and a short run at Open Book in downtown Minneapolis and the MN Opera. We open on September 25th and close November 2nd. Do not miss this beautiful production directed by Peter Rothstein and featuring Namir Smallwood and Anna Sundberg.

New Choral Works Premiered!

April 2014

Two choral works will receive their world premier on April 25 and 26.April 25 - Grace Lutheran Church in Apple Valley, MN (7:30pm)April 26 - Lakeville North High School in Lakeville, MN (7:30pm)The first is a commission by the Minnesota Valley Men's Chorale under the direction of Steve Boehlke and is based on the beautiful poem "Look To This Day" by the ancient Sanskrit writter Kalidasa. I am so excited that the choir has taken on this chellenge and I could not be more thrilled with the talent and energy they bring to the piece.The second is a mixed choir piece for children's and adult choir based on an original text by Larry Sagen. Commissoned by award-winning choral educator Judy Sagen, the piece is entitled "Listen To The Children" and speaks to the wisdom that children bring to the world with their innocence and love. Both the Minnesota Valley Men's and Women's Choral will premier the work alongside children from local youth choirs including the Allegro Choir. I hope you can make it! It has been so much fun making music together!

"Clouds" Tribute to Zach Sobiech at the Mall of America

November 20, 2013

Folk songwriter Zach Sobiach recorded his hit Clouds as a way to say goodbye with only weeks to live. Zach died on May 20 this year at only 18 years old of cancer, and several artists have paid tribute and celebrated this song, but not until now have so many done it together.


As a part of KS95's Kids Radiothon, thousands (and that's not an exageration!!) of people will come together to sing this song on December 5 from 6:00-7:00pm at the Mall of America Rotunda.


I had the amazing honor of helping out in a VERY small way to put together music for the many, many school and adult choirs, as well as hundreds of individual singers who will raise their voices to help raise money for the Children's Cancer Research Fund and Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare. 


Please take a listen to Zach's song Clouds which debuted last December.


Also, read the Pioneer Press article about the event here.

Musical Mondays at Hell's Kitchen

January 2, 2014

Don't miss Musical Monday's this February 3rd as we fall in love, or out of love with a Valentine's Day theme. it's the season of love and you can't go wrong with this cast!


Sasha Andreev

Serena Brook

Lauren Davis

Laurie Flannigan-Hegge

Adam Moen

Ricardo Vazquez


of course hosted by your favorite duo: Max Wojtanowicz and Sheena Janson.


I'll be behind the piano. Hope to see you there on February 3rd!

New Commission!

October 24, 2013


I have been commissioned by the Minnesota Valley Men's Chorale to compose a choral piece for their end-of-the-season concert this spring! The piece will be based on the beautiful poem "Look To This Day" by the ancient Sanskrit writter Kalidasa.

I'm so excited to work with several friends and collegues on this project and thrilled to work with the Minnesota Valley ensemble. A talented and versatile group under the direction of Steve Boehlke, they lend both their voices and hearts to the music they sing, and I am honored that we get to work together.


The work will be performed next spring, 2014! Check back for information on performance dates, times and places. I hope you can make it!

Flip Theater Company and "The Last 5 Years"

July 13, 2013


I'm excited to announce my involvement in a brand NEW theater company in the Twin Cities! Flip! Theatre Company will debut with a production of The Last 5 Years at the Minneapolis Theater Garage in October 2013.


We are currently gearing up for auditions. We are considering everyone to be a part of this intimate cast. Check out MN Playlist for audition info.

Congrats to Shelly Bachberg!

August 15, 2013

A GIGANTIC congratulations to the cast and staff of Shelly Bachberg:

How Helen Keller and Anne Frank Freed the Slaves: The Musical. 
And a special acknowledgement to creators Max Wojtanowicz, Michael Gruber, and Nikki Swoboda for an excellent job on their work on this brilliant Fringe production. Thanks to the energy and time of these amazing minds and talents, Shelly Bachberg became the second highest selling show at the 2013 MN Fringe by total attendance (Official Press Release). Job well done to all! I had a blast!

Mixed Blood & "Passing Strange"

July 1, 2013

Exciting News!


I will be music directing at the Mixed Blood Theater again this spring!


Look for more information about our production of Passing Strange coming up soon!

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​I am the resident music director for Alive & Kickin, the Twin Cities senior rock choir. Founded and directed by Michael Matthew Ferrell, Alive & Kickin is a Minnesota 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization dedicated to providing a voice for seniors and having a great time singing rock music while doing it!




"Winds of Change" will be featured on the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts stage in Bloomington, MN. It is a beautiful look at music and stories through the years as technology and social thought have changed in society. Click here for more info.

 Thanks to MRAC, we are able to provide entertainment at community centers and assisted living facilities state-wide throughout the year.


Check out Alive & Kickin's website or click here for show info.

Alive & Kickin

Listen to the Children

July 2014

I am thrilled to announce that my choral piece Listen to the Children with lyrics by Larry Sagen will be published by Hal Leonard. The piece, written for Two-Part children's choir and Adult Choral Ensemble was premiered by both the Minnesota Valley Men's and Women's Choral alongside children from local youth choirs including the Allegro Choir. 


Once published, the piece will be featured in the Boosey & Hawkes catalogue and available to anyone interested. The work features piano accompaniment and is a perfect addition for celebrating new and monumental occasions in a young life, especially graduation and year-end celebrations. 


Larry has done a great job of identifying the simplicity of peace and collaborative spirit between people in the eyes of children. More details will flood this site once the music is available!

Passing Strange @ Mixed Blood

April 2014

Make sure you are able to check out Passing Strange with Mixed Blood Theater starting April 24th!


We have an incredible cast and band and I am so excited to share this unique theater piece with the world.


Tickets are free at the door through Mixed Blood's Radical Hospitality program. More info is here!

Prosody: Songwriter's Lab at Hell's Kitchen

November 15, 2013

Don't miss the showcase featuring new work by members of the songwriting collaborative "Prosody." Audiences will be asked for feedback from many of the songs presented. It will be an exciting and thought-provoking night.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Hell's Kitchen
80 South 9th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Tickets are free: suggested donation $10
No reservations are needed
Doors open at 6:30pm with happy hour food and drink specials until 8pm


Facebook Event Page

FLiP!: The Last 5 Years Cast Announced!

September 30, 2013



WOAH! Check out this CAST!


Jamie: Bobby Gardner

Cathy: Britta Ollmann


I'm so excited to get to work on this production. We open next week and we have one of the best teams. Not to mention the band:


Kellie Nitz, Kris Anderson, Eric Bate, Sophia Deutsch and myself


Check out the facebook page of this brand NEW theater company in the Twin Cities! Flip! Theatre Company will debut with The Last 5 Years at the Minneapolis Theater Garage from October 30-November 10, 2013.

MN Fringe Festival!

July 31, 2013


Don't miss the MN Fringe Festival beginning August 1st through August 11th. This is the Twin Cities annual celebration of new theater and is the only un-juried, un-reviewed showcase of new shows.


I will be music directing and performing for a new musical entitley "Shelly Bachberg Presents: How Helen Keller and Anne Frank Freed the Slaves: The Musical." Wirrten by Max Wojtanowitz, Michael Gruber, and Nikki Swoboda, this show a satirical look at history and how it becomes twisted and falsified by certain congresspeople. With a very talented cast and production staff, you want to make sure you make it! All showings are held at the New Century Theater in Minneapolis. Showtimes vary.


Check out the Shelly Bachberg site or MN Fringe for more details!

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